01983 241821
Give us a call
6 Cordelia Gardens, Cowes
Isle of Wight, PO31 7GB

Removal of Skin Tags & Blood Spots

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin Tags are little growths of flesh-coloured skin that commonly appear on the neck and face and in areas of the body where there is rubbing, such as the underarms.

They often catch on our clothing or jewellery and appear unsightly.

How Are Skin Tags Removed?

Skin tags are simply removed in a treatment room by cauterisation, with very little downtime. You can return to work immediately and the skin tag will usually fall off within 24-hours.

What Are Blood Spots?

Blood spots are round red spots that occur as a result of tiny blood vessels called capillaries bursting under the skin.

Treatment Prices

1 Treatment
(1/4 Hour)
Calming Cream



Please send your details via the following and we will be in contact as soon as possible:


    If you would like more information about Skin Tags or Blood Spots removal feel free to call us on 01249 325961